Want to validate dynamic bot response

Hi Team,

I have a case. I want to validate the bot’s dynamic response. eg.
Hello, Type 1 to continue
<probable bot response 1>
I am a chatbot, type 1 to continue.

<probable bot response 2>

I want to assert and dynamically switch to the above. The probability of this stage to come is random and there is no pre-condition for that as it is backend driven.

I have used Utterances mechanism and it is working fine for the assertion point of view but if you closely observe <probable bot response 1> it is asking some input from the user.
Let’s say bot went in to that route, I validated the message using utterence, how can I then proceed with the user’s input??

Is there a way to achieve this??

hello, type 1 to continue

press 1 to optin
press 2 to optout


There (currently) is no way to do this in Botium, and there probably never will be. Conditional testing is a bad practice in test automation, and we don’t want to encourage it. Test cases have to be deterministic to provide full value.