I have a voice app, with chatbot technology, Microsoft Bot Framework.
As per the article, How to Do Voice Testing in Botium Box - Botium Box Documentation - Wiki (atlassian.net),
In the Install Prerequisites Section, there is a step to connect the Botium Speech processing API to Botium Box.
What will be the speech processing endpoint. Will it be local host url?
In which file, speech processing endpoint is to be added?
How to add the file and link it to Botium Box?
As written in the article you mentioned, you have to
- install the Botium Speech Processing service on a server
- set the Botium Box server environment variables - depending on your installation (Openshift, Kubernetes, Docker, …), and restart server
I have isntalled botium speech processing api and hosted in local host.
How to set the botium box environment variables.I have botium box mini application
And not sure, where is the botium box docker compose .yml file.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Botium Speech Processing is already connected to Botium Box Mini, nothing to do for you.
Happy testing!
But I cannot do voice testing, with botium mini,if I am have a chatbot with connector Microsoft Bot Framework.
The Bot Framework connector is not part of Box Mini, but the Directline3 connector.
Ya, it is it.I am using Microsoft Bot Framework direct line 3.But for that,voice testing is not enabled.Thats why I tried to conenct botium speech processing to the botium box mini application.
I wanted to do a POC for Vocie app testing in Botium Mini…bt Iam not getting a correct vision to take it forward.
So what are you trying to do ? maybe i can help better if you describe a test case you want to implement in your poc
Need to do voice app testing…like I have to send a voice input to the bot and validate the voice output from it.while, doing the live chat in Botium Mini, I could create a voice note, but Send Button is disabled.So I thought of Following the article mentioned above.
Currently, for the Directline connector it is possible to send audio recording as attachment, and to receive audio files as attachment in the response.
In the Botium Box “Live Chat” there is still an additional text input required for Directline - I consider this to be a bug, this will be fixed.
Directline connector currently doesn’t work with Speech-To-Text/Text-To-Speech on Botium side of the conversation, this has to be done by the bot framework endpoint itself.
So With, which connector, I can do voice testing in Botium mini.
While navigating to Test Set, the below error page is displayed.Will it get resolved soon
Yes - it seems as if you imported an invalid botium.json file to Botium Box. Will be resolved soon.
I tried and could see the test set section.Created a TC which contains voice, using Live chat.Test Set is created.Run the TC. error as below is found.

The issue is only with the .wav file, the keyboard chat is working correctly.
Pls check the Media Directory in the test set settings - it has to point to the directory where the wav files have been placed.
Updated the location to Media Settings:
But error message, in Test Result.
Not sure, bout could see like, a part of the folder path is repeating:

Are the recorded files there ?