Unable to perform PAUSE operation in directline 3 CONTAINERMODE

This is about validating the proactive message of chatbot through botium. If we are in some workflow and chatbot is expecting some input through user side, and user has responded within 1 min. Then chatbot will send the proactive message. So I need to validate the proactive messages through botium.
Suppose I am in ticket creation flow, ticket creation form is opened. And user not responded within 1 min then it will send the proactive message.

Tried the below steps but got failed.
Please find the below convo


OK. Thank you.

Create a ticket

OK, Let’s create an IT support request.

Please provide all required details
CARDS Please provide all required details
FORMS Title|Description|How urgent is your need?
BUTTONS Next|Cancel

I’m waiting for your response. (This message needs to be validated)

Getting below error:-
Error: Proactive Messages/Line 22: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s
Proactive Messages/Line 22: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s
------------ TRANSCRIPT ----------------------------
#me: Cancel
#bot: OK. Thank you.
#me: Create a ticket
#bot: OK, Let’s create an IT support request.
#bot: Please provide all required details
CARD(Please provide all required details)
BUTTON(Next | {“action”:“Next”})
BUTTON(Cancel | {“action”:“Cancel”})
FORM(summary | Title)
FORM(description | Description)
FORM(priority | How urgent is your need?)
at BotiumBindings.wrapBotiumError (node_modules\botium-bindings\src\BotiumBindings.js:77:14)
at C:\botium\node_modules\botium-bindings\src\BotiumBindings.js:134:33

Please help to resolve this.

Pls attach verbose log file

Sorry I am new to botium, where I can get the verbose log file?
I have rerun the script and getting below error in terminal:-
Error: Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure “done()” is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (C:\botium\spec\botium.spec.js)
at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:557:17)
at processTimers (node:internal/timers:500:7)


“stats”: {
“suites”: 1,
“tests”: 1,
“passes”: 0,
“pending”: 0,
“failures”: 1,
“start”: “2022-04-25T06:49:03.761Z”,
“end”: “2022-04-25T06:50:23.152Z”,
“duration”: 79391,
“testsRegistered”: 1,
“passPercent”: 0,
“pendingPercent”: 0,
“other”: 0,
“hasOther”: false,
“skipped”: 0,
“hasSkipped”: false,
“passPercentClass”: “danger”,
“pendingPercentClass”: “danger”
“suites”: {
“uuid”: “ee091e08-18bf-4327-83de-48fd2112f90b”,
“title”: “”,
“fullFile”: “”,
“file”: “”,
“beforeHooks”: [],
“afterHooks”: [],
“tests”: [],
“suites”: [
“uuid”: “78a477a0-59d8-4ee3-b483-0e1676f4d329”,
“title”: “Andritz Project”,
“fullFile”: “C:\botium\test\botium.spec.js”,
“file”: “\test\botium.spec.js”,
“beforeHooks”: [
“title”: ““before all” hook”,
“fullTitle”: “Andritz Project “before all” hook”,
“timedOut”: false,
“duration”: 250,
“pass”: false,
“fail”: false,
“pending”: false,
“code”: “this.timeout(timeout)\nbb.beforeAll().then(() => done()).catch(done)”,
“err”: {},
“isRoot”: false,
“uuid”: “7b9b1a65-1f48-4702-8b41-f5bb280e1c15”,
“isHook”: true,
“skipped”: false
“title”: ““before each” hook”,
“fullTitle”: “Andritz Project “before each” hook”,
“timedOut”: false,
“duration”: 9,
“pass”: false,
“fail”: false,
“pending”: false,
“code”: “this.timeout(timeout)\nbb.beforeEach().then(() => done()).catch(done)”,
“err”: {},
“isRoot”: false,
“uuid”: “d387a256-8dd6-4903-9495-293ac8542af0”,
“isHook”: true,
“skipped”: false
“afterHooks”: [
“title”: ““after all” hook”,
“fullTitle”: “Andritz Project “after all” hook”,
“timedOut”: false,
“duration”: 4,
“pass”: false,
“fail”: false,
“pending”: false,
“code”: “this.timeout(timeout)\nbb.afterAll().then(() => done()).catch(done)”,
“err”: {},
“isRoot”: false,
“uuid”: “f88997c5-7793-489c-ab73-028859bf49ea”,
“isHook”: true,
“skipped”: false
“title”: ““after each” hook”,
“fullTitle”: “Andritz Project “after each” hook”,
“timedOut”: false,
“duration”: 1,
“pass”: false,
“fail”: false,
“pending”: false,
“code”: “this.timeout(timeout)\nbb.afterEach().then(() => done()).catch(done)”,
“err”: {},
“isRoot”: false,
“uuid”: “1b7b757f-3c1d-4b59-aa91-a128d01b41b2”,
“isHook”: true,
“skipped”: false
“tests”: [
“title”: “Proactive Messages”,
“fullTitle”: “Andritz Project Proactive Messages”,
“timedOut”: false,
“duration”: 79115,
“state”: “failed”,
“pass”: false,
“fail”: true,
“pending”: false,
“code”: “if (this.container) {\n debug(running testcase${convo.header.toString()})\n convo.Run(this.container)\n .then(() => {\n debug(Test Case \"${convo.header.name}\" ready, calling done function.)\n testcaseDone()\n })\n .catch((err) => {\n debug(Test Case \"${convo.header.name}\" failed: ${util.inspect(err)})\n testcaseDone(this.wrapBotiumError(err))\n })\n} else {\n testcaseDone(new Error(‘Botium Initialization failed. Please see error messages above (enable debug logging).’))\n}”,
“err”: {
“message”: “Error: Proactive Messages/Line 22: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s\r\n########################################\r\nProactive Messages/Line 22: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s\r\n------------ TRANSCRIPT ----------------------------\r\n#me: Cancel\r\n#bot: OK. Thank you.\r\n#me: Create a ticket\r\n#bot: OK, Let’s create an IT support request.\r\n#bot: Please provide all required details\n CARD(Please provide all required details)\n BUTTON(Next | {“action”:“Next”})\n BUTTON(Cancel | {“action”:“Cancel”})\n FORM(summary | Title)\n FORM(description | Description)\n FORM(priority | How urgent is your need?)”,
“estack”: “Error: Proactive Messages/Line 22: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s\r\n########################################\r\nProactive Messages/Line 22: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s\r\n------------ TRANSCRIPT ----------------------------\r\n#me: Cancel\r\n#bot: OK. Thank you.\r\n#me: Create a ticket\r\n#bot: OK, Let’s create an IT support request.\r\n#bot: Please provide all required details\n CARD(Please provide all required details)\n BUTTON(Next | {“action”:“Next”})\n BUTTON(Cancel | {“action”:“Cancel”})\n FORM(summary | Title)\n FORM(description | Description)\n FORM(priority | How urgent is your need?)\n at BotiumBindings.wrapBotiumError (node_modules\botium-bindings\src\BotiumBindings.js:77:14)\n at C:\botium\node_modules\botium-bindings\src\BotiumBindings.js:134:33”
“isRoot”: false,
“uuid”: “86cd2fc9-c8fb-4c05-8f18-d51b8558a350”,
“isHook”: false,
“skipped”: false
“suites”: [],
“passes”: [],
“failures”: [
“pending”: [],
“skipped”: [],
“duration”: 79115,
“root”: false,
“rootEmpty”: false,
“_timeout”: 2000
“passes”: [],
“failures”: [],
“pending”: [],
“skipped”: [],
“duration”: 0,
“root”: true,
“rootEmpty”: true,
“_timeout”: 2000
“copyrightYear”: 2022

That seems to be a mocha log file, I need the Botium log file (set environment variable DEBUG to “botium*”)

I have set the environment variable as DEBUG = C:\botium\botium* (Placed botium framework in this path), still log files are not generated.
As well, tried by setting environment variable as DEBUG =botium* , still log file is not generated.
Please suggest how to get the log files.

how are you starting the botium tests ? with mocha ? with botium-cli ? when with botium-cli, you can add the --verbose switch

I am running the botium test by mocha. How to add --verbose switch for mocha ?

> DEBUG=botium* mocha


> export DEBUG=botium*
> mocha

Thanks for your prompt response. But facing issue while entering these commands in terminal. Where should I enter these commands ? I have tried in Visual studio code in terminal, please find the below screenshot:-

In Windows environment variables are set another way.

> set DEBUG=botium*
> mocha

I have ran the above mentioned command , still the log file in not generated in botiumwork folder.
Please find the below screenshot for command ran:-

I have tried with set DEBUG=botium* mocha also , still log file is not generated, please find the below screenshot:-

Any resolution for this issue ?

logging is done to the console window, not to a file.

1 Like

I have set the debug, and run the botium script. Still not getting the expected output.
Please find the below screenshot and the error:-

Please the above convo file. Please help to resolve this issue.

@ujja ?

From power shell the env variable works differently.
Set it with

$env:DEBUG = "botium*"

command, and check that it is set correctly with




Thanks @ujja for explaining to set the debugger. Now, debugger is set but unable to validate the proactive message.
Please find the below logs generated in the terminal:-

npm run mocha

yourbot@0.0.0 mocha
mocha spec

botium-bindings-main Botium Bindings args: {
botium-bindings-main convodirs: [ ‘spec\convo’ ],
botium-bindings-main expandConvos: true,
botium-bindings-main expandUtterancesToConvos: false,
botium-bindings-main expandScriptingMemoryToConvos: false
botium-bindings-main } +0ms
botium-core-BotDriver Loaded Botium configuration files C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\botium.json +0ms
botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(spec\convo) found filenames: ProactiveMsgs.convo.txt +0ms
botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(spec\convo) found convos:
botium-core-ScriptingProvider 1 Proactive Messages ({ convoDir: ‘spec\convo’, filename: ‘ProactiveMsgs.convo.txt’ }): Line 3: #me - Cancel | Line 6: #bot - OK. Thank you. | Line 9: #me - Create a ticket | Line 12: #bot - OK, Let’s create an IT support request. | Line 15: #bot - Please provide all required details CARDS(Please provide all required details) ASS: FORMS(Title,Description,How urgent is your need?) ASS: BUTTONS(Submit,Add Attachment,Cancel) | Line 21: #bot - I’m waiting for your response. WAITFORBOT(70000) +4ms
botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(spec\convo) found utterances:
botium-core-ScriptingProvider none +2ms
botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(spec\convo) found partial convos:
botium-core-ScriptingProvider none +0ms
botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(spec\convo) scripting memories:
botium-core-ScriptingProvider none +0ms
botium-core-ScriptingProvider ExpandConvos - Using utterances expansion mode: all +1ms
botium-bindings-main ready reading convos and utterances, number of test cases: (1). +280ms
botium-bindings-main adding test case 1 Proactive Messages +1ms

Andritz Project
botium-core-BotDriver Build - Botium Core Version: 1.11.15 +287ms
botium-core-BotDriver Build - Capabilites: {
botium-core-BotDriver PROJECTNAME: ‘Andritz Project’,
botium-core-BotDriver TESTSESSIONNAME: ‘Botium Test Session’,
botium-core-BotDriver TESTCASENAME: ‘Botium Test Case’,
botium-core-BotDriver TEMPDIR: ‘botiumwork’,
botium-core-BotDriver CLEANUPTEMPDIR: true,
botium-core-BotDriver WAITFORBOTTIMEOUT: 10000,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMULATE_WRITING_SPEED: false,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_PING_RETRIES: 6,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_PING_TIMEOUT: 10000,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_PING_VERB: ‘GET’,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_PING_UPDATE_CONTEXT: true,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_PING_PROCESS_RESPONSE: false,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_INIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE: false,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_STOP_RETRIES: 6,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_STOP_TIMEOUT: 10000,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_STOP_VERB: ‘GET’,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_START_RETRIES: 6,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_START_TIMEOUT: 10000,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_START_UPDATE_CONTEXT: true,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_START_VERB: ‘GET’,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_POLL_VERB: ‘GET’,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_POLL_INTERVAL: 1000,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_POLL_UPDATE_CONTEXT: true,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_METHOD: ‘GET’,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_IGNORE_EMPTY: true,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_TIMEOUT: 10000,
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_EXTRA_OPTIONS: {},
botium-core-BotDriver SIMPLEREST_STRICT_SSL: true,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_TXT_EOL: ‘\n’,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_XLSX_EOL_WRITE: ‘\r\n’,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_XLSX_HASHEADERS: true,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_CSV_SKIP_HEADER: true,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_CSV_QUOTE: ‘"’,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_CSV_ESCAPE: ‘"’,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_NORMALIZE_TEXT: true,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_ENABLE_MEMORY: false,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_MATCHING_MODE: ‘wildcardIgnoreCase’,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_UTTEXPANSION_MODE: ‘all’,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_UTTEXPANSION_NAMING_MODE: ‘justLineTag’,
botium-core-BotDriver SCRIPTING_FORCE_BOT_CONSUMED: false,
botium-core-BotDriver ASSERTERS: ,
botium-core-BotDriver LOGIC_HOOKS: ,
botium-core-BotDriver USER_INPUTS: ,
botium-core-BotDriver SECURITY_ALLOW_UNSAFE: true,
botium-core-BotDriver CONTAINERMODE: ‘directline3’,
botium-core-BotDriver DIRECTLINE3_SECRET: ‘peC_48cbWmA.LRTb333fmZ4KhI9NejOIVhUkD-3w6Pqe70LksBQT2Bw’,
botium-core-BotDriver DIRECTLINE3_ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE: { from: { name: ‘bandana.kumari@nagarro.com’ }, type: ‘message’ }
botium-core-BotDriver } +1ms
botium-core-BotDriver Build - Sources : { LOCALPATH: ‘.’, GITPATH: ‘git’, GITBRANCH: ‘master’, GITDIR: ‘.’ } +10ms
botium-core-BotDriver Build - Envs : { IS_BOTIUM_CONTAINER: true } +1ms
botium-connector-PluginConnectorContainer-helper Botium plugin botium-connector-directline3 loaded. Plugin version is 0.0.19 +0ms
botium-connector-directline3 Validate called +0ms
botium-connector-directline3 Build called +2ms
botium-connector-directline3 Start called +3ms
botium-connector-directline3 Directline Connection Status: 1 / Connecting +6ms
botium-bindings-main running testcase1 Proactive Messages +177ms
botium-core-Convo Proactive Messages/Line 3: user says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and
sourceData) {
botium-core-Convo “sender”: “me”,
botium-core-Convo “channel”: null,
botium-core-Convo “not”: false,
botium-core-Convo “optional”: false,
botium-core-Convo “messageText”: “Cancel”,
botium-core-Convo “media”: null,
botium-core-Convo “buttons”: null,
botium-core-Convo “cards”: null,
botium-core-Convo “forms”: null,
botium-core-Convo “attachments”: null,
botium-core-Convo “asserters”: ,
botium-core-Convo “userInputs”: ,
botium-core-Convo “logicHooks”:
botium-core-Convo } +0ms
botium-connector-directline3 UserSays called +6ms
botium-connector-directline3 Posting activity {
“from”: {
“name”: “bandana.kumari@nagarro.com”,
“id”: “me”
“type”: “message”,
“text”: “Cancel”
} +1ms
postActivity {
from: { name: ‘bandana.kumari@nagarro.com’, id: ‘me’ },
type: ‘message’,
text: ‘Cancel’
botium-connector-directline3 Directline Connection Status: 2 / Online +343ms
botium-connector-directline3 Posted activity, assigned ID: BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in|0000000 +2s
botium-core-Convo Proactive Messages wait for bot +3s
botium-connector-directline3 received message {
“type”: “message”,
“id”: “BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in|0000001”,
“timestamp”: “2022-05-25T09:17:06.8379086Z”,
“channelId”: “directline”,
“from”: {
“id”: “SmartAssistantUAT”,
“name”: “Smart Assistant UAT Non Prod”
“conversation”: {
“id”: “BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in”
“text”: “OK. Thank you.”,
“replyToId”: “BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in|0000000”
} +57ms
botium-core-Convo Proactive Messages: bot says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and sourceData) {
botium-core-Convo “sender”: “bot”,
botium-core-Convo “media”: ,
botium-core-Convo “buttons”: ,
botium-core-Convo “cards”: ,
botium-core-Convo “forms”: ,
botium-core-Convo “messageText”: “OK. Thank you.”,
botium-core-Convo “channel”: “default”
botium-core-Convo } +269ms
botium-core-ScriptingMemory fill start: {} +0ms
botium-core-ScriptingProvider assertBotResponse Proactive Messages/Line 6 (Line 3: #me - Cancel) BOT: OK. Thank you. = OK. Thank you. … +3s
botium-core-Convo Proactive Messages/Line 9: user says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and
sourceData) {
botium-core-Convo “sender”: “me”,
botium-core-Convo “channel”: null,
botium-core-Convo “not”: false,
botium-core-Convo “optional”: false,
botium-core-Convo “messageText”: “Create a ticket”,
botium-core-Convo “media”: null,
botium-core-Convo “buttons”: null,
botium-core-Convo “cards”: null,
botium-core-Convo “forms”: null,
botium-core-Convo “attachments”: null,
botium-core-Convo “asserters”: ,
botium-core-Convo “userInputs”: ,
botium-core-Convo “logicHooks”:
botium-core-Convo } +4ms
botium-connector-directline3 UserSays called +221ms
botium-connector-directline3 Posting activity {
“from”: {
“name”: “bandana.kumari@domain.com”,
“id”: “me”
“type”: “message”,
“text”: “Create a ticket”
} +0ms
postActivity {
from: { name: ‘bandana.kumari@domain.com’, id: ‘me’ },
type: ‘message’,
text: ‘Create a ticket’
botium-connector-directline3 Posted activity, assigned ID: BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in|0000002 +2s
botium-core-Convo Proactive Messages wait for bot +2s
botium-connector-directline3 received message {
“type”: “message”,
“id”: “BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in|0000003”,
“timestamp”: “2022-05-25T09:17:08.5373635Z”,
“channelId”: “directline”,
“from”: {
“id”: “SmartAssistantUAT”,
“name”: “Smart Assistant UAT Non Prod”
“conversation”: {
“id”: “BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in”
“text”: “OK, Let’s create an IT support request.”,
“replyToId”: “BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in|0000002”
} +94ms
botium-connector-directline3 received message {
“type”: “message”,
“id”: “BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in|0000004”,
“timestamp”: “2022-05-25T09:17:08.7748916Z”,
“channelId”: “directline”,
“from”: {
“id”: “SmartAssistantUAT”,
“name”: “Smart Assistant UAT Non Prod”
“conversation”: {
“id”: “BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in”
“inputHint”: “expectingInput”,
“attachments”: [
“contentType”: “application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive”,
“content”: {
“$schema”: “http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json”,
“version”: “1.3”,
“type”: “AdaptiveCard”,
“body”: [
“type”: “TextBlock”,
“text”: “Please provide all required details”,
“wrap”: true
“type”: “Input.Text”,
“id”: “summary”,
“label”: “Title”,
“isMultiline”: false,
“placeholder”: “Please enter title”,
“isRequired”: true,
“separator”: true,
“errorMessage”: “Please enter title”,
“value”: “”
“type”: “Input.Text”,
“id”: “description”,
“label”: “Description”,
“isMultiline”: true,
“placeholder”: “Please enter description”,
“isRequired”: true,
“errorMessage”: “Please enter Description”,
“value”: “”
“type”: “Input.ChoiceSet”,
“id”: “priority”,
“style”: “expanded”,
“label”: “How urgent is your need?”,
“isRequired”: true,
“errorMessage”: “Please Select the Urgency.”,
“value”: “Medium”,
“choices”: [
“title”: “I can continue working (Normal Priority)”,
“value”: “Medium”
“title”: “Prevents me from working (High Priority)”,
“value”: “High”,
“color”: “attention”
“actions”: [
“type”: “Action.Submit”,
“title”: “Submit”,
“data”: {
“action”: “Submit”
“style”: “positive”
“type”: “Action.Submit”,
“title”: “Add Attachment”,
“data”: {
“action”: “Add Attachment”
“type”: “Action.Submit”,
“title”: “Cancel”,
“data”: {
“action”: “Cancel”
“associatedInputs”: “none”
“replyToId”: “BM1sHZbChqW4HEURB7dml8-in|0000002”
} +2ms
botium-core-Convo Proactive Messages: bot says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and sourceData) {
botium-core-Convo “sender”: “bot”,
botium-core-Convo “media”: ,
botium-core-Convo “buttons”: ,
botium-core-Convo “cards”: ,
botium-core-Convo “forms”: ,
botium-core-Convo “messageText”: “OK, Let’s create an IT support request.”,
botium-core-Convo “channel”: “default”
botium-core-Convo } +305ms
botium-core-ScriptingMemory fill start: {} +2s
botium-core-ScriptingProvider assertBotResponse Proactive Messages/Line 12 (Line 9: #me - Create a ticket) BOT: OK, Let’s create an IT support request. = OK, Let’s create an IT support request. … +2s
botium-core-Convo Proactive Messages wait for bot +4ms
botium-core-Convo Proactive Messages: bot says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and sourceData) {
botium-core-Convo “sender”: “bot”,
botium-core-Convo “media”: ,
botium-core-Convo “buttons”: ,
botium-core-Convo “cards”: [
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “text”: [
botium-core-Convo “Please provide all required details”
botium-core-Convo ],
botium-core-Convo “image”: false,
botium-core-Convo “buttons”: [
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “text”: “Submit”,
botium-core-Convo “payload”: {
botium-core-Convo “action”: “Submit”
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “text”: “Add Attachment”,
botium-core-Convo “payload”: {
botium-core-Convo “action”: “Add Attachment”
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “text”: “Cancel”,
botium-core-Convo “payload”: {
botium-core-Convo “action”: “Cancel”
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo ],
botium-core-Convo “media”: false,
botium-core-Convo “forms”: [
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “name”: “summary”,
botium-core-Convo “label”: “Title”,
botium-core-Convo “type”: “Text”
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “name”: “description”,
botium-core-Convo “label”: “Description”,
botium-core-Convo “type”: “Text”
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “name”: “priority”,
botium-core-Convo “label”: “How urgent is your need?”,
botium-core-Convo “type”: “ChoiceSet”,
botium-core-Convo “options”: [
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “title”: “I can continue working (Normal Priority)”,
botium-core-Convo “value”: “Medium”
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “title”: “Prevents me from working (High Priority)”,
botium-core-Convo “value”: “High”,
botium-core-Convo “color”: “attention”
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo ]
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo ],
botium-core-Convo “cards”: null,
botium-core-Convo “sourceData”: {
botium-core-Convo “$schema”: “http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json”,
botium-core-Convo “version”: “1.3”,
botium-core-Convo “type”: “AdaptiveCard”,
botium-core-Convo “body”: [
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “type”: “TextBlock”,
botium-core-Convo “text”: “Please provide all required details”,
botium-core-Convo “wrap”: true
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “type”: “Input.Text”,
botium-core-Convo “id”: “summary”,
botium-core-Convo “label”: “Title”,
botium-core-Convo “isMultiline”: false,
botium-core-Convo “placeholder”: “Please enter title”,
botium-core-Convo “isRequired”: true,
botium-core-Convo “separator”: true,
botium-core-Convo “errorMessage”: “Please enter title”,
botium-core-Convo “value”: “”
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “type”: “Input.Text”,
botium-core-Convo “id”: “description”,
botium-core-Convo “label”: “Description”,
botium-core-Convo “isMultiline”: true,
botium-core-Convo “placeholder”: “Please enter description”,
botium-core-Convo “isRequired”: true,
botium-core-Convo “errorMessage”: “Please enter Description”,
botium-core-Convo “value”: “”
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “type”: “Input.ChoiceSet”,
botium-core-Convo “id”: “priority”,
botium-core-Convo “style”: “expanded”,
botium-core-Convo “label”: “How urgent is your need?”,
botium-core-Convo “isRequired”: true,
botium-core-Convo “errorMessage”: “Please Select the Urgency.”,
botium-core-Convo “value”: “Medium”,
botium-core-Convo “choices”: [
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “title”: “I can continue working (Normal Priority)”,
botium-core-Convo “value”: “Medium”
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “title”: “Prevents me from working (High Priority)”,
botium-core-Convo “value”: “High”,
botium-core-Convo “color”: “attention”
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo ]
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo ],
botium-core-Convo “actions”: [
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “type”: “Action.Submit”,
botium-core-Convo “title”: “Submit”,
botium-core-Convo “data”: {
botium-core-Convo “action”: “Submit”
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo “style”: “positive”
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “type”: “Action.Submit”,
botium-core-Convo “title”: “Add Attachment”,
botium-core-Convo “data”: {
botium-core-Convo “action”: “Add Attachment”
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo {
botium-core-Convo “type”: “Action.Submit”,
botium-core-Convo “title”: “Cancel”,
botium-core-Convo “data”: {
botium-core-Convo “action”: “Cancel”
botium-core-Convo },
botium-core-Convo “associatedInputs”: “none”
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo ]
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo }
botium-core-Convo ],
botium-core-Convo “forms”: ,
botium-core-Convo “messageText”: “Please provide all required details”,
botium-core-Convo “channel”: “default”
botium-core-Convo } +2ms
botium-core-ScriptingMemory fill start: {} +23ms
botium-core-ScriptingProvider assertBotResponse Proactive Messages/Line 15 (Line 9: #me - Create a ticket) BOT: Please provide all required details = Please provide all required details …
botium-core-Convo Proactive Messages wait for bot +28ms
botium-core-WaitForBotLogicHook Waiting 70s for message from bot. +0ms

  1. Proactive Messages
    botium-connector-directline3 Stop called +55s
    botium-connector-directline3 unsubscribing from directline activity subscription +0ms
    botium-connector-directline3 unsubscribing from directline connectionstatus subscription +1ms
    botium-connector-directline3 ending directline connection +0ms
    botium-connector-directline3 Clean called +2ms
    botium-connector-BaseContainer Cleanup rimrafing temp dir C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\botiumwork\Andritz Project 20220525
    144704 WIjQ5 +0ms

0 passing (1m)
1 failing

  1. Andritz Project
    Proactive Messages:
    Error: Timeout of 60000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure “done()” is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\spec\botium.spec.js)
    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:559:17)
    at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7)

botium-core-WaitForBotLogicHook Not received any message within 70s. +1m
botium-connector-BaseContainer WaitBotSays error Bot did not respond within 10s +25s
botium-core-Convo BotiumError: Proactive Messages/Line 21: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s
botium-core-Convo at botiumErrorFromErr (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\BotiumError.js:85:12)
botium-core-Convo at Convo.runConversation (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\Convo.js:379:31)
botium-core-Convo at async Convo.Run (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\Convo.js:235:7) +1m
botium-bindings-main Test Case “Proactive Messages” failed: TranscriptError: Proactive Messages/Line 21: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s
botium-bindings-main at Convo.Run (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\Convo.js:257:15) {
botium-bindings-main transcript: Transcript {
botium-bindings-main steps: [
botium-bindings-main [TranscriptStep],
botium-bindings-main [TranscriptStep],
botium-bindings-main [TranscriptStep],
botium-bindings-main [TranscriptStep],
botium-bindings-main [TranscriptStep],
botium-bindings-main [TranscriptStep]
botium-bindings-main ],
botium-bindings-main attachments: ,
botium-bindings-main scriptingMemory: {},
botium-bindings-main convoBegin: 2022-05-25T09:17:04.596Z,
botium-bindings-main convoEnd: 2022-05-25T09:18:29.494Z,
botium-bindings-main err: BotiumError: Proactive Messages/Line 21: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s
botium-bindings-main at botiumErrorFromErr (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\BotiumError.js:85:12)
botium-bindings-main at Convo.runConversation (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\Convo.js:379:31)
botium-bindings-main at async Convo.Run (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\Convo.js:235:7) {
botium-bindings-main context: [Object]
botium-bindings-main }
botium-bindings-main },
botium-bindings-main cause: BotiumError: Proactive Messages/Line 21: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s
botium-bindings-main at botiumErrorFromErr (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\BotiumError.js:85:12)
botium-bindings-main at Convo.runConversation (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\Convo.js:379:31)
botium-bindings-main at async Convo.Run (C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\node_modules\botium-bindings\node_modules\botium-core\src\scripting\Convo.js:235:7) {
botium-bindings-main context: {
botium-bindings-main err: [QueueTimeoutError],
botium-bindings-main message: ‘Proactive Messages/Line 21: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10s’,
botium-bindings-main input: [ConvoStep],
botium-bindings-main transcript: [Array]
botium-bindings-main }
botium-bindings-main }
botium-bindings-main } +1m
PS C:\Users\bandanakumari\OneDrive - Nagarro\Documents\Botium\07-02-2022\Auto_botium_LUIS(QnaMakr)\spec\convo>

Convo file:-
Proactive Messages


OK. Thank you.

Create a ticket

OK, Let’s create an IT support request.

Please provide all required details
CARDS Please provide all required details
FORMS Title|Description|How urgent is your need?
BUTTONS Submit|Add Attachment|Cancel

I’m waiting for your response.

@Florian :- I want to validate the proactive message i.e. if user has not replied within 60sec then bot will send some msg. Please suggest how to validate this?

Please find the below snip which I want to validate:-

any resolution for this ?