SIMPLEREST_BUTTONS_JSONPATH values to make button work

I have the convo file as the below
BUTTONS I Agree|Decline


In my botium.json, I have

"SIMPLEREST_BUTTONS_JSONPATH": ["$..actions[*].title","$..buttons[*].title","$..buttons[*].text","$..buttons[*].payload"],

I even tried this in the json

"SIMPLEREST_BUTTONS_JSONPATH0": "$..actions[*].title",

How can make the BUTTON I Agree to work with the above capabilities?

Below is the verbose log

MAC:spec user$ botium-cli run mochawesome --config tenants/c/botium.json --convos c_specs/foo --reporter-options "reportDir=./reports,reportFilename=lav_1" --verbose
  botium-cli Using Botium configuration file tenants/c/botium.json +0ms
  botium-cli-run command options: { _: [ 'run' ],
  botium-cli-run   config: 'tenants/c/botium.json',
  botium-cli-run   c: 'tenants/c/botium.json',
  botium-cli-run   convos: [ 'c_specs/foo' ],
  botium-cli-run   C: [ 'c_specs/foo' ],
  botium-cli-run   'reporter-options': 'reportDir=./reports,reportFilename=lav_1',
  botium-cli-run   reporterOptions: 'reportDir=./reports,reportFilename=lav_1',
  botium-cli-run   verbose: true,
  botium-cli-run   v: true,
  botium-cli-run   output: 'mochawesome',
  botium-cli-run   testsuitename: 'Botium Test-Suite',
  botium-cli-run   n: 'Botium Test-Suite',
  botium-cli-run   expandutterances: false,
  botium-cli-run   expandscriptingmemory: false,
  botium-cli-run   timeout: 60,
  botium-cli-run   '$0': 'botium-cli' } +0ms
  botium-cli-run Mocha Reporter "mochawesome", options: { reportDir: './reports', reportFilename: 'lav_1' } +1ms
  botium-core-BotDriver Loaded Botium configuration files /Users/user/botium/DL/foo1/spec/botium.json,/Users/user/botium/DL/foo1/spec/tenants/c/botium.json +0ms
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(c_specs/foo) found filenames: foo_1.convo.txt +0ms
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(c_specs/foo) found convos:
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider  1 foo_1.convo.txt ({ convoDir: 'c_specs/foo',
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider   filename: 'foo_1.convo.txt' }): Line 1: #bot - TEXT1 BUTTONS(I Agree,Decline) | Line 5: #me -  BUTTON(I Agree) | Line 8: #bot - I can help with c-19 resources and with finding care. What would you like to do? +4ms
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(c_specs/foo) found utterances:
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider  none +1ms
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(c_specs/foo) found partial convos:
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider  none +0ms
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider ReadConvosFromDirectory(c_specs/foo) scripting memories:
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider  none +0ms
  botium-cli-run ready reading convos (1), expanding convos ... +718ms
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider ExpandConvos - Using utterances expansion mode: all +0ms
  botium-cli-run ready expanding convos and utterances, number of test cases: (1). +16ms
  botium-cli-run adding test case foo_1.convo.txt (from: { convoDir: 'c_specs/foo',
  botium-cli-run   filename: 'foo_1.convo.txt' }) +30ms

  Botium Test-Suite
  botium-core-BotDriver Build - Botium Core Version: 1.11.2 +772ms
  botium-core-BotDriver Build - Capabilites: { PROJECTNAME: 'My Botium Project',
  botium-core-BotDriver   TESTSESSIONNAME: 'Botium Test Session',
  botium-core-BotDriver   TESTCASENAME: 'Botium Test Case',
  botium-core-BotDriver   TEMPDIR: 'botiumwork',
  botium-core-BotDriver   CLEANUPTEMPDIR: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   WAITFORBOTTIMEOUT: 10000,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMULATE_WRITING_SPEED: false,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_PING_RETRIES: 6,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_PING_TIMEOUT: 10000,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_PING_VERB: 'GET',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_PING_UPDATE_CONTEXT: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_STOP_RETRIES: 6,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_STOP_TIMEOUT: 10000,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_STOP_VERB: 'GET',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_START_RETRIES: 6,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_START_TIMEOUT: 10000,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_START_VERB: 'GET',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_POLL_VERB: 'GET',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_POLL_INTERVAL: 1000,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_POLL_UPDATE_CONTEXT: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_METHOD: 'GET',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_IGNORE_EMPTY: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_TIMEOUT: 10000,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_EXTRA_OPTIONS: {},
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_STRICT_SSL: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_INBOUND_UPDATE_CONTEXT: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_TXT_EOL: '\n',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_XLSX_EOL_WRITE: '\r\n',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_XLSX_HASHEADERS: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_CSV_SKIP_HEADER: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_CSV_QUOTE: '"',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_CSV_ESCAPE: '"',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_NORMALIZE_TEXT: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_ENABLE_MEMORY: false,
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_MATCHING_MODE: 'wildcard',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_UTTEXPANSION_MODE: 'all',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_UTTEXPANSION_NAMING_MODE: 'justLineTag',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SCRIPTING_MEMORYEXPANSION_KEEP_ORIG: false,
  botium-core-BotDriver   ASSERTERS: [ { ref: 'HASLINK', src: 'botium-asserter-basiclink' } ],
  botium-core-BotDriver   LOGIC_HOOKS: [],
  botium-core-BotDriver   USER_INPUTS: [],
  botium-core-BotDriver   SECURITY_ALLOW_UNSAFE: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   CONTAINERMODE: 'directline3',
  botium-core-BotDriver   DIRECTLINE3_SECRET: '####',
  botium-core-BotDriver   DIRECTLINE3_DOMAIN: '',
  botium-core-BotDriver   DIRECTLINE3_WEBSOCKET: true,
  botium-core-BotDriver   DIRECTLINE3_POLLINGINTERVAL: 1000,
  botium-core-BotDriver   DIRECTLINE3_WELCOME_ACTIVITY:
  botium-core-BotDriver    { type: 'invoke',
  botium-core-BotDriver      name: 'TScen',
  botium-core-BotDriver      value: { trigger: 'Entrypoint', args: [Object] } },
  botium-core-BotDriver   DIRECTLINE3_HANDLE_ACTIVITY_TYPES: 'message',
  botium-core-BotDriver   SIMPLEREST_BUTTONS_JSONPATH:
  botium-core-BotDriver    [ '$..actions[*].title',
  botium-core-BotDriver      '$..buttons[*].title',
  botium-core-BotDriver      '$..buttons[*].text',
  botium-core-BotDriver      '$..buttons[*].payload' ],
  botium-core-BotDriver   CONFIG: 'tenants/c/botium.json' } +0ms
  botium-core-BotDriver Build - Sources : { LOCALPATH: '.',
  botium-core-BotDriver   GITPATH: 'git',
  botium-core-BotDriver   GITBRANCH: 'master',
  botium-core-BotDriver   GITDIR: '.' } +1ms
  botium-core-BotDriver Build - Envs : { IS_BOTIUM_CONTAINER: true } +0ms
  botium-connector-PluginConnectorContainer-helper Botium plugin botium-connector-directline3 loaded. Plugin version is 0.0.26 +0ms
  botium-connector-directline3 Validate called +0ms
  botium-connector-directline3 Build called +2ms
  botium-connector-directline3 Start called +3ms
  botium-connector-directline3 Directline Connection Status: 1 / Connecting +10ms
  botium-connector-directline3 UserSays called +0ms
  botium-connector-directline3 Posting activity  {
  "type": "invoke",
  "name": "TScen",
  "value": {
    "trigger": "Entrypoint",
    "args": {
      "brand": "example",
      "customScheme": "https",
      "tenantName": "c"
  "from": {
    "id": "me"
} +0ms
postActivity { type: 'invoke',
  name: 'TScen',
   { trigger: 'Entrypoint',
      { brand: 'example',
        customScheme: 'https',
        tenantName: 'c' } },
  from: { id: 'me' } }
creating WebSocket wss://
  botium-connector-directline3 Directline Connection Status: 2 / Online +3s
  botium-cli-run running testcase foo_1.convo.txt +3s
  botium-core-Convo foo_1.convo.txt wait for bot  +0ms
WebSocket open OpenEvent {
   WebSocket {
     _events: { open: [Function], close: [Function], message: [Function] },
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     _maxListeners: undefined,
     _binaryType: 'nodebuffer',
     _closeCode: 1006,
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     _closeFrameSent: false,
     _closeMessage: '',
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      Receiver {
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        _buffers: [],
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        _payloadLength: 0,
        _mask: undefined,
        _fragmented: 0,
        _masked: false,
        _fin: false,
        _opcode: 0,
        _totalPayloadLength: 0,
        _messageLength: 0,
        _fragments: [],
        _state: 0,
        _loop: false,
        [Symbol(websocket)]: [Circular] },
      Sender {
        _extensions: {},
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        authorized: true,
        authorizationError: null,
        encrypted: true,
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        connecting: false,
        _hadError: false,
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        readable: true,
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        _writableState: [WritableState],
        writable: true,
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        server: undefined,
        _server: null,
        ssl: [TLSWrap],
        _requestCert: true,
        _rejectUnauthorized: true,
        parser: null,
        _httpMessage: null,
        timeout: 0,
        [Symbol(res)]: [TLSWrap],
        [Symbol(asyncId)]: 92,
        [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
        [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
        [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
        [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
        [Symbol(connect-options)]: [Object],
        [Symbol(websocket)]: [Circular] },
     _bufferedAmount: 0,
     _isServer: false,
     _redirects: 0,
     _req: null },
  type: 'open' }
  botium-connector-directline3 Posted activity, assigned ID: 5JAi4uDOxOH2RgkUhTaytQ-o|0000000 +964ms
  botium-connector-directline3 received message  {
  "type": "message",
  "id": "5JAi4uDOxOH2RgkUhTaytQ-o|0000002",
  "timestamp": "2021-04-28T00:41:52.4276052Z",
  "serviceUrl": "",
  "channelId": "directline",
  "from": {
    "id": "HybridBotStage@PNoEIQIc82Q",
    "name": "HybridBotStage"
  "conversation": {
    "id": "5JAi4uDOxOH2RgkUhTaytQ-o"
  "recipient": {
    "id": "HybridBotStage@PNoEIQIc82Q",
    "name": "HybridBotStage"
  "text": "TEXT1\nSelect one of the following options: \n1. I Agree<break/>2. Decline<break/>",
  "inputHint": "expectingInput",
  "attachments": [
      "contentType": "application/",
      "content": {
        "buttons": [
            "title": "I Agree",
            "type": "imBack",
            "value": "I Agree"
            "title": "Decline",
            "type": "imBack",
            "value": "Decline"
} +1s
  botium-core-Convo foo_1.convo.txt: bot says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and sourceData) {
  botium-core-Convo   "sender": "bot",
  botium-core-Convo   "media": [],
  botium-core-Convo   "buttons": [],
  botium-core-Convo   "cards": [
  botium-core-Convo     {
  botium-core-Convo       "buttons": [
  botium-core-Convo         {
  botium-core-Convo           "text": "I Agree",
  botium-core-Convo           "payload": "I Agree"
  botium-core-Convo         },
  botium-core-Convo         {
  botium-core-Convo           "text": "Decline",
  botium-core-Convo           "payload": "Decline"
  botium-core-Convo         }
  botium-core-Convo       ],
  botium-core-Convo       "sourceData": {
  botium-core-Convo         "contentType": "application/",
  botium-core-Convo         "content": {
  botium-core-Convo           "buttons": [
  botium-core-Convo             {
  botium-core-Convo               "title": "I Agree",
  botium-core-Convo               "type": "imBack",
  botium-core-Convo               "value": "I Agree"
  botium-core-Convo             },
  botium-core-Convo             {
  botium-core-Convo               "title": "Decline",
  botium-core-Convo               "type": "imBack",
  botium-core-Convo               "value": "Decline"
  botium-core-Convo             }
  botium-core-Convo           ]
  botium-core-Convo         }
  botium-core-Convo       }
  botium-core-Convo     }
  botium-core-Convo   ],
  botium-core-Convo   "forms": [],
  botium-core-Convo   "messageText": "TEXT1",
  botium-core-Convo   "channel": "default"
  botium-core-Convo } +2s
  botium-core-ScriptingMemory fill start: {} +0ms
  botium-core-ScriptingProvider assertBotResponse foo_1.convo.txt/Line 1 BOT: TEXT1 = TEXT1 ... +6s
  botium-core-Convo foo_1.convo.txt/Line 5: user says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and sourceData) {
  botium-core-Convo   "sender": "me",
  botium-core-Convo   "channel": null,
  botium-core-Convo   "not": false,
  botium-core-Convo   "optional": false,
  botium-core-Convo   "messageText": "I Agree",
  botium-core-Convo   "media": null,
  botium-core-Convo   "buttons": [
  botium-core-Convo     {
  botium-core-Convo       "text": null,
  botium-core-Convo       "payload": "I Agree"
  botium-core-Convo     }
  botium-core-Convo   ],
  botium-core-Convo   "cards": null,
  botium-core-Convo   "forms": null,
  botium-core-Convo   "attachments": null,
  botium-core-Convo   "asserters": [],
  botium-core-Convo   "userInputs": [
  botium-core-Convo     {
  botium-core-Convo       "name": "BUTTON",
  botium-core-Convo       "args": [
  botium-core-Convo         "I Agree"
  botium-core-Convo       ]
  botium-core-Convo     }
  botium-core-Convo   ],
  botium-core-Convo   "logicHooks": []
  botium-core-Convo } +7ms
  botium-connector-directline3 UserSays called +12ms
  botium-connector-directline3 Posting activity  {
  "type": "event",
  "name": "I Agree",
  "from": {
    "id": "me"
} +0ms
postActivity { type: 'event', name: 'I Agree', from: { id: 'me' } }
  botium-connector-directline3 Posted activity, assigned ID: 5JAi4uDOxOH2RgkUhTaytQ-o|0000003 +302ms
  botium-core-Convo foo_1.convo.txt wait for bot  +304ms
  botium-connector-BaseContainer WaitBotSays error Bot did not respond within 10000 ms +0ms
  botium-core-Convo BotiumError: foo_1.convo.txt/Line 8: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10000 ms
  botium-core-Convo     at botiumErrorFromErr (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/BotiumError.js:85:12)
  botium-core-Convo     at Convo.runConversation (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/Convo.js:370:31) +10s
  botium-cli-run foo_1.convo.txt failed: { TranscriptError: foo_1.convo.txt/Line 8: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10000 ms
  botium-cli-run     at Convo.Run (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/Convo.js:256:15)
  botium-cli-run   name: 'TranscriptError',
  botium-cli-run   transcript:
  botium-cli-run    Transcript {
  botium-cli-run      steps: [ [TranscriptStep], [TranscriptStep], [TranscriptStep] ],
  botium-cli-run      attachments: [],
  botium-cli-run      scriptingMemory: {},
  botium-cli-run      convoBegin: 2021-04-28T00:41:50.123Z,
  botium-cli-run      convoEnd: 2021-04-28T00:42:02.796Z,
  botium-cli-run      err:
  botium-cli-run       { BotiumError: foo_1.convo.txt/Line 8: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10000 ms
  botium-cli-run           at botiumErrorFromErr (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/BotiumError.js:85:12)
  botium-cli-run           at Convo.runConversation (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/Convo.js:370:31) name: 'BotiumError', context: [Object] } },
  botium-cli-run   cause:
  botium-cli-run    { BotiumError: foo_1.convo.txt/Line 8: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10000 ms
  botium-cli-run        at botiumErrorFromErr (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/BotiumError.js:85:12)
  botium-cli-run        at Convo.runConversation (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/Convo.js:370:31)
  botium-cli-run      name: 'BotiumError',
  botium-cli-run      context:
  botium-cli-run       { err: [QueueTimeoutError],
  botium-cli-run         message:
  botium-cli-run          'foo_1.convo.txt/Line 8: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10000 ms',
  botium-cli-run         input: [ConvoStep],
  botium-cli-run         transcript: [Array] } } } +13s
    1) foo_1.convo.txt
  botium-connector-directline3 Stop called +10s
  botium-connector-directline3 unsubscribed from directline activity subscription +2ms
  botium-connector-directline3 unsubscribing from directline connectionstatus subscription +0ms
  botium-connector-directline3 ending directline connection +0ms
  botium-connector-directline3 Clean called +0ms
  botium-connector-BaseContainer Cleanup rimrafing temp dir /Users/user/botium/DL/foo1/spec/botiumwork/My Botium Project 20210427 174146 qdeuU +11ms

  0 passing (16s)
  1 failing

  1) Botium Test-Suite
     Error: foo_1.convo.txt/Line 8: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10000 ms
foo_1.convo.txt/Line 8: error waiting for bot - Bot did not respond within 10000 ms
------------ TRANSCRIPT ----------------------------
#bot: TEXT1
  BUTTON(I Agree | I Agree)
  BUTTON(Decline | Decline)
#me: I Agree
  BUTTON(I Agree)
      at wrapBotiumError (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/src/run/index.js:76:12)
      at finish (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/src/run/index.js:205:24)
      at convo.Run.then.catch (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/src/run/index.js:218:11)

[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /Users/user/botium/DL/foo1/spec/reports/lav_1.json

[mochawesome] Report HTML saved to /Users/user/botium/DL/foo1/spec/reports/lav_1.html

WebSocket close CloseEvent {
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     _events: { open: [Function], close: [Function], message: [Function] },
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        encrypted: true,
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        [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 4685,
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        [Symbol(websocket)]: undefined },
     _bufferedAmount: 0,
     _isServer: false,
     _redirects: 0,
     _req: null },
  type: 'close',
  wasClean: false,
  reason: '',
  code: 1006 }
MAC:spec user$ 

The SIMPLEREST*_-capabilities are only used in the Generic HTTP/JSON connector, not in the Directline connector

Thank you @Florian
Are there any capabilities that would help me in the mentioned scenario?

I would say, it is not required to use any additional capabilities, because the Botium Directline connector already recognizes the button elements from the Bot Framework content

It is not working with the existing capabilities as you can see from the above verbose log

I don’t know your Bot Framework implementation. Botium is sending an activity, but it doesn’t receive anything back.

postActivity { type: 'event', name: 'I Agree', from: { id: 'me' } }