Multi-select bot message

I would greatly appreciate help in understanding how I might test a user message that responds to a multi-select bot message, meaning that the bot message is a list of items with checkboxes, and the user checks whatever they want then clicks the “Submit” button. The bot message has the options “Personal or family history of allergy”, “Obesity”, “Missed vaccine”, and “Recent physical injury.”

It appears in the logs at the bottom of this question that the multi-select is described as a “form” with name “choices.” I have attached a photo of what the message looks like on the client side. I believe that the goal in replicating this message in Botium is to get the user message’s “value” field to equal an array of the options listed above.

I have also attached a photo of what the conversation should look like for reference.

I have tried a lot of different formats for sending the responding user message including the one in this sample (botium-connector-directline3/form.convo.txt at master · codeforequity-at/botium-connector-directline3 · GitHub), but none have worked so far. I am still actively working on this, but thought I’d submit the question in case I continue to struggle.

Here are snippets of the different formats I’ve tried:

FORM choices|Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury
BUTTON Continue

FORM choices|["Personal or family history of allergy","Obesity","Missed vaccine","Recent physical injury"]
BUTTON Continue

FORM ["Personal or family history of allergy","Obesity","Missed vaccine","Recent physical injury"]
BUTTON Continue

FORM Personal or family history of allergy
FORM Obesity
FORM Missed vaccine
FORM Recent physical injury
BUTTON Continue

(Note: The “Fever” symptom came from an earlier part in the conversation. The desired result is that after the user selects options from the multi-select, we append those options to the list starting with “Fever." I have attached a photo for reference.)

MyGlobalLogicHook onBotStart symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 43, args: [], expected: The following symptoms may be related to potential risk factors. Do you have any of these symptoms?

  botium-connector-directline3 received message  {

  "type": "message",

  "id": "GjbMpYmqqp2DK4s196wgiy-o|0000025",

  "timestamp": "2021-05-06T20:31:27.3686498Z",

  "serviceUrl": "",

  "channelId": "directline",

  "from": {

    "id": "HybridBotStage@PNoEIQIc82Q",

    "name": "HybridBotStage"


  "conversation": {

    "id": "GjbMpYmqqp2DK4s196wgiy-o"


  "recipient": {

    "id": "HybridBotStage@PNoEIQIc82Q",

    "name": "HybridBotStage"


  "locale": "en-US",

  "text": "The following symptoms may be related to potential risk factors. Do you have any of these symptoms?\n",

  "speak": "The following symptoms may be related to potential risk factors. Do you have any of these symptoms?\n",

  "inputHint": "expectingInput",

  "attachments": [


      "contentType": "application/",

      "content": {

        "actions": [


            "title": "Continue",

            "type": "Action.Submit"



        "body": [


            "items": [


                "choices": [


                    "title": "Obesity",

                    "value": "Obesity"



                    "title": "Missed vaccine",

                    "value": "Missed vaccine"



                    "title": "Personal or family history of allergy",

                    "value": "Personal or family history of allergy"



                    "title": "Recent physical injury",

                    "value": "Recent physical injury"



                    "title": "None of the above",

                    "value": "None of the above"



                "id": "choices",

                "isMultiSelect": true,

                "style": "expanded",

                "type": "Input.ChoiceSet"



            "type": "Container"



        "type": "AdaptiveCard",

        "version": "1.0"




} +1s

  botium-core-Convo symptom_checker.convo.txt: bot says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and sourceData) {

  botium-core-Convo   "sender": "bot",

  botium-core-Convo   "media": [],

  botium-core-Convo   "buttons": [],

  botium-core-Convo   "cards": [

  botium-core-Convo     {

  botium-core-Convo       "text": [],

  botium-core-Convo       "image": false,

  botium-core-Convo       "buttons": [

  botium-core-Convo         {

  botium-core-Convo           "text": "Continue"

  botium-core-Convo         }

  botium-core-Convo       ],

  botium-core-Convo       "media": false,

  botium-core-Convo       "forms": [

  botium-core-Convo         {

  botium-core-Convo           "name": "choices",

  botium-core-Convo           "type": "ChoiceSet",

  botium-core-Convo           "options": [

  botium-core-Convo             {

  botium-core-Convo               "title": "Obesity",

  botium-core-Convo               "value": "Obesity"

  botium-core-Convo             },

  botium-core-Convo             {

  botium-core-Convo               "title": "Missed vaccine",

  botium-core-Convo               "value": "Missed vaccine"

  botium-core-Convo             },

  botium-core-Convo             {

  botium-core-Convo               "title": "Personal or family history of allergy",

  botium-core-Convo               "value": "Personal or family history of allergy"

  botium-core-Convo             },

  botium-core-Convo             {

  botium-core-Convo               "title": "Recent physical injury",

  botium-core-Convo               "value": "Recent physical injury"

  botium-core-Convo             },

  botium-core-Convo             {

  botium-core-Convo               "title": "None of the above",

  botium-core-Convo               "value": "None of the above"

  botium-core-Convo             }

  botium-core-Convo           ]

  botium-core-Convo         }

  botium-core-Convo       ],

  botium-core-Convo       "cards": null,

  botium-core-Convo       "sourceData": {

  botium-core-Convo         "actions": [

  botium-core-Convo           {

  botium-core-Convo             "title": "Continue",

  botium-core-Convo             "type": "Action.Submit"

  botium-core-Convo           }

  botium-core-Convo         ],

  botium-core-Convo         "body": [

  botium-core-Convo           {

  botium-core-Convo             "items": [

  botium-core-Convo               {

  botium-core-Convo                 "choices": [

  botium-core-Convo                   {

  botium-core-Convo                     "title": "Obesity",

  botium-core-Convo                     "value": "Obesity"

  botium-core-Convo                   },

  botium-core-Convo                   {

  botium-core-Convo                     "title": "Missed vaccine",

  botium-core-Convo                     "value": "Missed vaccine"

  botium-core-Convo                   },

  botium-core-Convo                   {

  botium-core-Convo                     "title": "Personal or family history of allergy",

  botium-core-Convo                     "value": "Personal or family history of allergy"

  botium-core-Convo                   },

  botium-core-Convo                   {

  botium-core-Convo                     "title": "Recent physical injury",

  botium-core-Convo                     "value": "Recent physical injury"

  botium-core-Convo                   },

  botium-core-Convo                   {

  botium-core-Convo                     "title": "None of the above",

  botium-core-Convo                     "value": "None of the above"

  botium-core-Convo                   }

  botium-core-Convo                 ],

  botium-core-Convo                 "id": "choices",

  botium-core-Convo                 "isMultiSelect": true,

  botium-core-Convo                 "style": "expanded",

  botium-core-Convo                 "type": "Input.ChoiceSet"

  botium-core-Convo               }

  botium-core-Convo             ],

  botium-core-Convo             "type": "Container"

  botium-core-Convo           }

  botium-core-Convo         ],

  botium-core-Convo         "type": "AdaptiveCard",

  botium-core-Convo         "version": "1.0"

  botium-core-Convo       }

  botium-core-Convo     }

  botium-core-Convo   ],

  botium-core-Convo   "forms": [],

  botium-core-Convo   "messageText": "The following symptoms may be related to potential risk factors. Do you have any of these symptoms?\n",

  botium-core-Convo   "channel": "default"

  botium-core-Convo } +1s

  botium-core-ScriptingMemory fill start: {} +1s

  botium-core-ScriptingMemory fill end: {} +0ms

  botium-core-ScriptingProvider assertBotResponse symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 43 (Line 37: #me - 12) BOT: The following symptoms may be related to potential risk factors. Do you have any of these symptoms? = The following symptoms may be related to potential risk factors. Do you have any of these symptoms? ... +1s

MyGlobalLogicHook onBotEnd symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 43, args: [], expected: The following symptoms may be related to potential risk factors. Do you have any of these symptoms?, meMessage: The following symptoms may be related to potential risk factors. Do you have any of these symptoms?


MyGlobalLogicHook onMeStart symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 52, args: [], meMessage: null

  botium-core-Convo symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 52: user says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and sourceData) {

  botium-core-Convo   "sender": "me",

  botium-core-Convo   "channel": null,

  botium-core-Convo   "not": false,

  botium-core-Convo   "optional": false,

  botium-core-Convo   "messageText": "Continue",

  botium-core-Convo   "media": null,

  botium-core-Convo   "buttons": [

  botium-core-Convo     {

  botium-core-Convo       "text": null,

  botium-core-Convo       "payload": "Continue"

  botium-core-Convo     }

  botium-core-Convo   ],

  botium-core-Convo   "cards": null,

  botium-core-Convo   "forms": [

  botium-core-Convo     {

  botium-core-Convo       "name": "choices",

  botium-core-Convo       "value": "Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury",

  botium-core-Convo       "options": null

  botium-core-Convo     }

  botium-core-Convo   ],

  botium-core-Convo   "attachments": null,

  botium-core-Convo   "asserters": [],

  botium-core-Convo   "userInputs": [

  botium-core-Convo     {

  botium-core-Convo       "name": "FORM",

  botium-core-Convo       "args": [

  botium-core-Convo         "choices",

  botium-core-Convo         "Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury"

  botium-core-Convo       ]

  botium-core-Convo     },

  botium-core-Convo     {

  botium-core-Convo       "name": "BUTTON",

  botium-core-Convo       "args": [

  botium-core-Convo         "Continue"

  botium-core-Convo       ]

  botium-core-Convo     }

  botium-core-Convo   ],

  botium-core-Convo   "logicHooks": []

  botium-core-Convo } +11ms

  botium-connector-directline3 UserSays called +16ms

  botium-connector-directline3 Posting activity  {

  "type": "event",

  "name": "Continue",

  "from": {

    "id": "me"


  "value": {

    "choices": "Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury"


} +0ms

postActivity { type: 'event',

  name: 'Continue',

  from: { id: 'me' },


   { choices:

      'Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury' } }

  botium-connector-directline3 Posted activity, assigned ID: GjbMpYmqqp2DK4s196wgiy-o|0000026 +582ms

MyGlobalLogicHook onMeEnd symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 52, args: [], meMessage: null

  botium-core-Convo symptom_checker.convo.txt wait for bot  +583ms

MyGlobalLogicHook onBotStart symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 56, args: [], expected: The following symptoms have been reported:




Missed vaccine

Personal or family history of allergy

Recent physical injury

  botium-connector-directline3 received message  {

  "type": "message",

  "id": "GjbMpYmqqp2DK4s196wgiy-o|0000027",

  "timestamp": "2021-05-06T20:31:28.0938052Z",

  "serviceUrl": "",

  "channelId": "directline",

  "from": {

    "id": "HybridBotStage@PNoEIQIc82Q",

    "name": "HybridBotStage"


  "conversation": {

    "id": "GjbMpYmqqp2DK4s196wgiy-o"


  "recipient": {

    "id": "HybridBotStage@PNoEIQIc82Q",

    "name": "HybridBotStage"


  "locale": "en-US",

  "text": "The following symptoms have been reported:\n* Fever\n",

  "speak": "The following symptoms have been reported:\n* Fever\n",

  "inputHint": "expectingInput"

} +17ms

  botium-core-Convo symptom_checker.convo.txt: bot says (cleaned by binary and base64 data and sourceData) {

  botium-core-Convo   "sender": "bot",

  botium-core-Convo   "media": [],

  botium-core-Convo   "buttons": [],

  botium-core-Convo   "cards": [],

  botium-core-Convo   "forms": [],

  botium-core-Convo   "messageText": "The following symptoms have been reported:\n* Fever\n",

  botium-core-Convo   "channel": "default"

  botium-core-Convo } +18ms

  botium-core-ScriptingMemory fill start: {} +612ms

  botium-core-ScriptingMemory fill end: {} +0ms

  botium-core-ScriptingProvider assertBotResponse symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 56 (Line 52: #me -  FORM(choices,Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury) UI: BUTTON(Continue)) BOT: The following symptoms have been reported: * Fever = The following symptoms have been reported: Fever Obesity Missed vaccine Personal or family history of allergy Recent physical injury ... +612ms

MyGlobalLogicHook onConvoEnd symptom_checker.convo.txt, conversation length: 16 steps

  botium-cli-run symptom_checker.convo.txt failed: { TranscriptError: symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 56: Bot response (on Line 52: #me -  FORM(choices,Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury) UI: BUTTON(Continue)) "The following symptoms have been reported: * Fever" expected to match "The following symptoms have been reported: Fever Obesity Missed vaccine Personal or family history of allergy Recent physical injury"

  botium-cli-run     at Convo.Run (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/Convo.js:256:15)

  botium-cli-run   name: 'TranscriptError',

  botium-cli-run   transcript:

  botium-cli-run    Transcript {

  botium-cli-run      steps:

  botium-cli-run       [ [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep],

  botium-cli-run         [TranscriptStep] ],

  botium-cli-run      attachments: [],

  botium-cli-run      scriptingMemory: {},

  botium-cli-run      convoBegin: 2021-05-06T20:31:12.242Z,

  botium-cli-run      convoEnd: 2021-05-06T20:31:28.148Z,

  botium-cli-run      err:

  botium-cli-run       { BotiumError: symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 56: Bot response (on Line 52: #me -  FORM(choices,Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury) UI: BUTTON(Continue)) "The following symptoms have been reported: * Fever" expected to match "The following symptoms have been reported: Fever Obesity Missed vaccine Personal or family history of allergy Recent physical injury"

  botium-cli-run           at ScriptingProvider.assertBotResponse (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/ScriptingProvider.js:145:17)

  botium-cli-run           at Convo.runConversation (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/Convo.js:437:40) name: 'BotiumError', context: [Object] } },

  botium-cli-run   cause:

  botium-cli-run    { BotiumError: symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 56: Bot response (on Line 52: #me -  FORM(choices,Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury) UI: BUTTON(Continue)) "The following symptoms have been reported: * Fever" expected to match "The following symptoms have been reported: Fever Obesity Missed vaccine Personal or family history of allergy Recent physical injury"

  botium-cli-run        at ScriptingProvider.assertBotResponse (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/ScriptingProvider.js:145:17)

  botium-cli-run        at Convo.runConversation (/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/botium-cli/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/Convo.js:437:40)

  botium-cli-run      name: 'BotiumError',

  botium-cli-run      context:

  botium-cli-run       { type: 'asserter',

  botium-cli-run         source: 'TextMatchAsserter',

  botium-cli-run         context: [Object],

  botium-cli-run         cause: [Object],

  botium-cli-run         message:

  botium-cli-run          'symptom_checker.convo.txt/Line 56: Bot response (on Line 52: #me -  FORM(choices,Personal or family history of allergy;Obesity;Missed vaccine;Recent physical injury) UI: BUTTON(Continue)) "The following symptoms have been reported: * Fever" expected to match "The following symptoms have been reported: Fever Obesity Missed vaccine Personal or family history of allergy Recent physical injury"',

  botium-cli-run         input: [ConvoStep],

  botium-cli-run         transcript: [Array] } } } +16s

    1) symptom_checker.convo.txt

  botium-connector-directline3 Stop called +11ms

  botium-connector-directline3 unsubscribed from directline activity subscription +1ms

  botium-connector-directline3 unsubscribing from directline connectionstatus subscription +0ms

  botium-connector-directline3 ending directline connection +0ms

  botium-connector-directline3 Clean called +1ms

  botium-connector-BaseContainer Cleanup rimrafing temp dir /Users/user/botium/DL/foo1/spec/botiumwork/My Botium Project 20210506 133111 uL2K8 +0ms
```![Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 6.52.29 PM|605x500](upload://grfJmNWI1yruZKu9YsoLOyxIwdU.png) ![Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 6.52.13 PM|478x500](upload://7elXZBZjiMq6f6DsgWN8YdWOvqo.png)

When you get a chance, can you please comment on this issue? This is blocking our automation efforts. I can provide any additional information you need. Thank you.

Typically, multiple choice fields submit the selection separated by comma:

FORM choices|Personal or family history of allergy,Obesity,Missed vaccine,Recent physical injury
BUTTON Continue

There might be other implementations out there, but this is the one I know.
Sending the button click as event instead of message type may be an issue as well.

Thanks a lot @Florian
That did not work, but this worked

UPDATE_CUSTOM SET_ACTIVITY_VALUE|value|["Obesity", "Missed vaccine", "Personal or family history of allergy", "Recent physical injury"]

Awesome, thanks for sharing this!