MediaInput not accepting 8Khz audio

Hello, I am trying to run a convo script like so:


MEDIA ./audiofiles/sw1a-2aa.wav

INTENT PostcodeIntent

This is my Botium.json:


  "botium": {

    "Capabilities": {

      "PROJECTNAME": "Botium Project Lex",

      "CONTAINERMODE": "lex",

      "LEX_VERSION": "V2",

      "LEX_REGION": "eu-west-2",





      "LEX_LOCALE": "en_GB",

      "LEX_ACCEPT": "audio/pcm",

      "USER_INPUTS": [


          "ref": "MEDIA",

          "src": "MediaInput",

          "args": {

            "downloadMedia": true







The problem seems to be that the audio file has an 8Khz project rate - I tried the same test with a 16khz project rate WAV file and the test worked.

I must use 8Khz files for my test since certain metrics are only offered by Lex when using this file quality.

Oddly, the error when I try to run the test is:

     Error: sw1a-2aa/Line 6: assertion error - Line 6: Expected intent "PostcodeIntent" but found FallbackIntent
ASSERTION FAILED in IntentAsserter - Expected: "PostcodeIntent"  - Actual: "FallbackIntent"
------------ TRANSCRIPT ----------------------------
#me:   MEDIA(./audiofiles/sw1a-2aa.wav | audio/wave)

Although I’m not actually seeing any lambda logs at all in for this request!

How can I make Botium accept 8KHz files?


Try to set the LEX_CONTENTTYPE_AUDIO capability in your botium.json.

Please see Lex docs for supported audio content types.

Maybe this one works:

audio/lpcm; rate=8000; channels=1

Thanks, this was the issue. The setting that worked for me was:
“LEX_CONTENTTYPE_AUDIO”: “audio/lpcm; sample-rate=8000; sample-size-bits=16; channel-count=1; is-big-endian=false”,

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