JSON file test script arguments for “asserter”: “ENTITY_CONTENT” always result in “EntityContentAsserter Missing argument”

Hello there!

I am trying to run a JSON script with some asserters, being “ENTITY_CONTENT” always resulting in “EntityContentAsserter Missing argument”.

I have tried all kinds of variations, with the same result, I couldn’t figure out the actual expected arguments, even after following the instructions provided on botium wiki.

Could you please help me out? I’m running out of ideas here.

Thanks! Looking forward to receiving your answer.

“convos”: [
“name”: “FRASES”,
“description”: “pruebas de frases varias”,
“steps”: [
“me”: [
“bot”: [
{ “asserter”: “INTENT”, “args”: “activaciones_preguntas” },
{ “asserter”: “INTENT_CONFIDENCE”, “args”: “90” },
{ “asserter”: “ENTITY_CONTENT”, “args”: “internet|internet” }
“bot”: [
“Entiendo que tenés una consulta sobre tu servicio de internet :globe_with_meridians:. \n\nDecime, ¿cuál es el N° del DNI de la persona titular del servicio? \n\n📌 Recordá escribirlo sin puntos, guiones o espacios.”
“utterances”: {
“quiero internet”,
“no me anda internet”

Line 2: EntityContentAsserter Missing argument

the correct format is:
{ “asserter”: “ENTITY_CONTENT”, “args”: [“entity”, “content”] },

Thanks to botium support!