I am not able to run botium test from eclipse

I took the code from “GitHub - codeforequity-at/botium-sample-eclipse: Botium Sample Eclipse” and imported the code in eclipse and started the following the instruction which are mentioned in tutorial.
I am very beginner for this.
Please help me with this. it’s urgent.

Getting an error.

and what’s wrong with it ?

On the below scrrenshot, not able to see the workdirectory and other component to run the scripts.

The mentioned article is rather old, some parts of the Eclipse UI may have been changed since then. Don’t know much about Eclipse (enough to write this article a few years ago), but running an NPM script in Eclipse shouldn’t be magic …

How can i over come this problem. Because in my organization we were planning to automate our using this.

Use Stackoverflow, Google or an Eclipse forum to find out how to run an NPM script from Eclipse