How can I use my chatbot with botium?

I have basically two endpoints to interact with my bot: (both is a POST method)
/GetConversation = this one is used to send a message as user
“message”: “john doe”,
"sessionID: “”

and the other endpoint:

/GetAnswer = this one is used to get the last answer from the queue


I want to know how can I config the botium to be used in my chatbot, I’ve already read all the documentation, but I did not get exactly how can I setup the botium.json, for that.

The Generic HTTP/JSON Connector is the way to go.

botium.json would look somehow like this for the endpoint you described.

  • Posting text to the /GetConversation endpoint
  • Polling the /GetAnswer endpoint for queue answers
  • Extracting the response text with JSONPath
"SIMPLEREST_URL": "http://my-url/GetConversation",
  "message": "{{msg.messageText}}",
  "sessionID": "{{botium.conversationId}}"
"SIMPLEREST_POLL_URL": "http://my-url/GetAnswer",
  "sessionID": "{{botium.conversationId}}"

Thank you very much @Florian

Last question, how can I authenticate storing the conversationID response?

I have the endpoint /Login/ClientLogin, it is also a POST method. This body contain the login/password and returns the sessionID that I need to send on each request above, how can I store that?

This would look like this - note that the response of the initial call to the ClientLogin-endpoint can be used as context-variable in the other calls.

"SIMPLEREST_START_URL": "http://my-url/Login/ClientLogin",
  "username": "my-user",
  "password": "my-password"
"SIMPLEREST_URL": "http://my-url/GetConversation",
  "message": "{{msg.messageText}}",
  "sessionID": "{{context.sessionID}}"
"SIMPLEREST_POLL_URL": "http://my-url/GetAnswer",
  "sessionID": "{{context.sessionID}}"

It is still not working, I guess it is related to getting the sessionID at client login, this is my json:

"PROJECTNAME": "sophie",
      "CONTAINERMODE": "simplerest",
      "SIMPLEREST_INIT_CONTEXT": { "sessionId": "" },
      "SIMPLEREST_PING_URL": "https:///Login/ClientLogin",
        "login": "oooo",
        "password": "ooo",
        "authenticated": "ooo",
        "tenant": "ooo"
      "SIMPLEREST_URL": "https://ooo/GetConversation",
        "userText": "{{msg.messageText}}",
        "sessionId": "{{context.sessionId}}"
      "SIMPLEREST_POLL_URL": "https:///GetAnswer",
        "id": "{{context.sessionId}}"
    "Sources": {},
    "Envs": {}

This error:
stack": "Error: give me picture/Line 3: error sending to bot - got error response: 401/Unauthorized\r\n########################################\r\ngive me picture/Line 3: error sending to bot - got error response: 401/Unauthorized\r\n------------ TRANSCRIPT ----------------------------

The response from the /Login has no attribute name it is like only:

“6as5c2s448ssczcd238scdxc” <--------

How can I solve, my friend?

you mean, the response is not JSON but plain text ?

I guess so, because the response looks like:
Instead of,
“sessionId”: "“7554a3c8f2264b3eac00d6112fb2c63c00637623770594129105833443409"”

In this case, there is no way around developing a custom hook - the Generic HTTP/JSON connector relies on JSON content as the name implies.

But following this, shall I move ALL the capabilities to the javascript file? Each one of those endpoints?

Or just getting the variable related to the sessionid, I will be able to use this in the botium.json?

Something like:

  container.caps.sessionId = body.title

How I would be able to use this sessionId variable at the botium.json? I’m a little bit confused about that.

And if I have to move all to the javascript file, forgetting the botium.json, how can I make the relation between the messages and answers from the endpoint and what botium is watching?

In the Javascript file you should only pre-fill the sessionId capability, everything else stays in the botium.json