Error CLI Botium

Olá, Sou iniciante na utilização do Botium. Estou tentando executar um caso de teste mas, está apresentando esse erro abaixo. Alguém consegue me ajudar?

test case



where is the next restauran

I understand you want me to find a location. I can find restaurants, gas stations and restrooms nearby.


Error: restaurant/Line 12: Bot response (on Line 9: #me - where is the next restauran) “You said: where is the next restauran” expected to match “I understand you want me to find a location. I can find restaurants, gas stations and restrooms nearby.”
ASSERTION FAILED in TextMatchAsserter - Expected: [“I understand you want me to find a location. I can find restaurants, gas stations and restrooms nearby.”] - Actual: “You said: where is the next restauran”
INPUT: where is the next restauran
------------ TRANSCRIPT ----------------------------
#me: hi
#bot: You said: hi
#me: where is the next restauran
#bot: You said: where is the next restauran

Botium configuration (botium.json) seems to point Botium to the Echo-connector, which is a chatbot that only echoes back what you tell it (You said: …). You test script expects something else (I understand you want me to find a location …) so the test case fails.