I have a bitbucket pipeline setup to execute the botium tests using the dialogflow connector. I have 1 service account that has access to multiple dialogflow ES agents. When I run multiple pipelines at the same time that are running tests against different agents, I keep getting the following errors for some of the conversations:
error sending to bot - Cannot send message to dialogflow container: 8 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Dialogflow Essentials Edition text query operations' and limit 'Dialogflow Essentials Edition text query operations per minute' of service '[dialogflow.googleapis.com](http://dialogflow.googleapis.com/)' for consumer
When I run tests against 1 agent at a time I do not see this issue. Each test runs on a separate docker container.
I have also put in the rate limit capability to 100 to limit to 10 requests/second “RATELIMIT_USERSAYS_MINTIME”: “100”
My Question is: Why do I get this resource limit error when I ran against different agents at the same time?