BotiumError returned in JSON_PATH asserter

We are trying to check for the presence of buttons in our bot’s response, and we have been successfully doing this by means of a JSON_PATH asserter as follows:

JSON_PATH $.output.parameters.extensions1|{“name”:“displayCollection”,“hasLongOptions”:false,“permanent”:true,“parameters”:{“content”:{“title”:“options”,“items”:[{“name”:“Quality / Ingredient Issues”},{“name”:“Box Cancellation”},{“name”:“Logistics”},{“name”:“Vouchers”},{“name”:“Meal Selection”},{“name”:“More topics”}]}}}

This worked fine until around 3-4 weeks ago, when we started seeing the following response to this test line (and all other cases where we use a similar JsonPathAsserter to check for buttons):

ASSERTION FAILED in JsonPathAsserter

- Expected: {“name”:“displayCollection”,“hasLongOptions”:false,“permanent”:true,“parameters”:{“content”:{“title”:“options”,“items”:[{“name”:“Quality / Ingredient Issues”},{“name”:“Box Cancellation”},{“name”:“Logistics”},{“name”:“Vouchers”},{“name”:“Meal Selection”},{“name”:“More topics”}]}}}

- Actual: [object Object]

Nothing has changed in the way the chatbot response code is produced, and it works fine with our front end web client.

From the log snippet (below), we see there is a BotiumError at 2021-08-05T11:25:27.854Z.
Has something changed in the way Botium runs, which we need to take into account? Please can you help us to find a way that works to check these button labels?


2021-08-05T11:25:27.850Z botium-core-ScriptingProvider assertBotResponse MANUAL_CHECK Tech Issues - Gift Card > redeem (identified user)/Line 15 (Line 12: #me - gift card [object Object] LH: [object Object] LH: [object Object] LH: [object Object] LH: [object Object]) BOT: Here are the gift card topics I can help you with: = gift card topics
2021-08-05T11:25:27.854Z botium-core-Convo BotiumError: MANUAL_CHECK Tech Issues - Gift Card > redeem (identified user)/Line 15: assertion error - Line 15: Expected: {“name”:“displayCollection”,“hasLongOptions”:false,“permanent”:true,“parameters”:{“content”:{“title”:“options”,“items”:[{“name”:“Buy gift card”},{“name”:“Redeem gift card”},{“name”:“Technical issues”}]}}} in jsonPath $.output.parameters.extensions1: Actual: [object Object]
at botiumErrorFromErr (/app/server/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/BotiumError.js:83:12)
at Convo.runConversation (/app/server/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/Convo.js:473:31)
at async Convo.Run (/app/server/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/Convo.js:235:7)
at async runConvo (/app/server/dist/botium-box-livechat-worker.js:883:30)
Running Convo “MANUAL_CHECK Tech Issues - Gift Card > redeem (identified user)” failed: Line 15: Expected: {“name”:“displayCollection”,“hasLongOptions”:false,“permanent”:true,“parameters”:{“content”:{“title”:“options”,“items”:[{“name”:“Buy gift card”},{“name”:“Redeem gift card”},{“name”:“Technical issues”}]}}} in jsonPath $.output.parameters.extensions1: Actual: [object Object].
Received IPC message STOP_CONVERSATION to worker.
2021-08-05T11:25:27.862Z botium-connector-simplerest _makeCall(SIMPLEREST_STOP): rest request: {“method”:“GET”,“uri”:“",“followAllRedirects”:true,“timeout”:10000,“headers”:{“Cookie”:“JSESSIONID=066E55F5CC8DFEC2002FC45A9D58DB04”},"strictSSL”:true}
2021-08-05T11:25:27.862Z botium-connector-simplerest _waitForUrlResponse checking url before proceed
2021-08-05T11:25:28.245Z botium-connector-simplerest _waitForUrlResponse success on url check
2021-08-05T11:25:28.246Z botium-connector-BaseContainer Cleanup rimrafing temp dir /app/server/storage/botiumwork/Botium Test Project 20210805 112526 k9qtw
stopConversation(d309a970-f5df-11eb-9f98-bdb575c8e3e3) container stopped.

working on it

It will be part of the next Botium Box deployment

Thanks @Florian - do you have a target date for this?

Next Monday

Great news - thanks!