Botium-speech-processing failed to solve: executor failed running

When executing the file: docker-compose.yml which is in the link:

/ codeforequity-at / botium-speech-processing / tree /master / connectors / rasa / client

It has an error.

[2/7] RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps curl sed python make g++:
#0 0.856 fetch
#0 2.053 fetch
#0 2.660 ERROR: unable to select packages:
#0 2.701 .build-deps-20221103.144453:
#0 2.701 masked in: cache
#0 2.701 satisfies: world[.build-deps=20221103.144453]
#0 2.701 python (no such package):
#0 2.701 required by: .build-deps-20221103.144453[python]

Inside the Dockerfile change it to:
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps curl sed python3 make g++

The problem persists

What do you recommend to be able to execute. I am using Ubuntu 20.04
