Activities attachments items read

How do we express (in convo.txt files) looking for the “items” mentioned in activities attachments like mentioned below.

{activities: [,…]}
activities: [,…]
0: {type: "message", id: "###", timestamp: "###",…}
attachments: [{contentType: "application/",…}]
0: {contentType: "application/",…}
content: {actions: [{title: "Submit", type: "Action.Submit"}], body: [{,…}], type: "AdaptiveCard",…}
actions: [{title: "Submit", type: "Action.Submit"}]
0: {title: "Submit", type: "Action.Submit"}
body: [{,…}]
0: {,…}
items: [{choices: [{title: "TEXT1)", value: "01"},…],…}]
0: {choices: [{title: "TEXT1", value: "01"},…],…}
choices: [{title: "TEXT1", value: "01"},…]
0: {title: "TEXT1", value: "01"}
1: {title: "TEXT2", value: "02"}
2: {title: "TEXT3", value: "03"}
3: {title: "TEXT4", value: "04"}
4: {title: "TEXT5", value: "05"}
5: {title: "TEXT6", value: "06"}
6: {title: "TEXT7", value: "07"}
7: {title: "TEXT8", value: "08"}
8: {title: "TEXT9", value: "09"}
id: "choices"
isMultiSelect: true
style: "expanded"
type: "Input.ChoiceSet"
type: "Container"
type: "AdaptiveCard"
version: "1.0"
contentType: "application/"
channelData: {submitChoicesButtonText: "Submit"}
channelId: "directline"
conversation: {id: "###"}
from: {id: "###", name: "###"}
id: "###"
inputHint: "expectingInput"
locale: "en-US"
recipient: {id: "###", name: "###"}
serviceUrl: ""
speak: "TEXT"
text: "TEXT"
timestamp: "###"
type: "message"

Adaptive Cards are supported. The content is mapped to the internal data structures for Botium to be processed (which is much more simple than the Adaptive Card content).
You can use the CARDS asserter, and/or the BUTTONS/MEDIA asserters. For more detailed stuff, you can even try the JSON_PATH asserter.
Let the test run in verbose mode to see how Botium processes your Adaptive Card.